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Glass Buildings

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles are frameworks to help you sharpen your impact strategies. They are developed in close collaboration between several actors in the impact ecosystem and are in coherence with international standards and best practices.
Our Guiding Principles will be continuously refined and developed as users provide us with input and feedback. As a result of this development process, we will also issue Codes  of Practice, based on industry or impact vertical specific best practices.

All our Guiding Principles are now available in Swedish. 



Definition of Impact

In this Guiding Principle you get the tools to determine what is and what is not impact. The framework is based on the Impact Management Project's Five Dimensions of Impact and aims to create a common understanding across sectors of what we call impact. Apply this framework to your activity, your investments or a specific project.


Classification of Regular, Responsible, Sustainable and Impact investments

This Guiding Principle gives you the tools to classify investments in the categories Regular, Responsible, Sustainable and Impact. Criteria are specified for each category and illustrated with examples.




How to measure and report on impact

The NAB has developed a guiding principle for measuring and reporting on impact. The framework is simple and gives step-by-step guidance. It is compliant with international standards and best practices and aims at making impact measurement standardized across sectors and accessible to all.


Enabling technologies as impact investments

The NAB's Guiding Principle on enabling technologies helps you measure and report on impact from f.ex. operating systems for renewable energy, charging technologies and energy storage technologies. Use this Guiding Principle to report on true impact from important enablers in the impact value chain.




Vägledning i utfallsbaserad upphandling

Vi vill möjliggöra och underlätta för offentlig sektor att upphandla resultat (utfall) i stället för prestationer. Erfarenheter från andra länder visar att detta är ett kraftfullt verktyg för att få in mer prevention och mer innovation i vårt välfärdssystem. För att en leverantör ska kunna leverera en tjänst under en betydande tidsperiod och få betalt först när resultaten infinner sig, krävs riskvillig finansiering. Där tror vi att aktörerna på impact investing marknaden kan spela en viktig roll. 


Coming soon:
Financing for Social Impact

Organisations that work to solve social or health related problems tend to  to face more difficulties in  attracting capital and scaling than their green impact cousins. Never the less, there are several financing mechanisms that are particularly well suited to finance social impact and that can both generate positive social outcomes as well as attractive returns. In this guiding principle we explore how to invest in social impact using blended finance, hybrid finance and results based finance mechanisms.

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