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Jenny Carenco
29 maj 20231 min läsning
Så investerar man för en "Just Transition"
Att vi måste investera massivt i omställningen för en fossilfri framtid vet vi. Däremot talas det för lite om hur människor i övrigt...
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Jenny Carenco
22 nov. 20223 min läsning
Rapport från medlemsmötet
Den 22 november hölls höstens medlemsmöte, där såväl nuvarande som potentiella medlemmar fick ökad insikt i NABens olika...
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Jenny Carenco
28 apr. 20221 min läsning
Meet our new board!
At the Annual General Meeting on April 21st, our members elected the Board that will lead and manage the NAB's work over the coming year....
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Jenny Carenco
18 jan. 20222 min läsning
New Guiding Principle: Classifying enabling technologies as impact investments
Enabling technologies are technologies that enable other sectors or industries to reach impact at greater scale. These enabling...
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Jenny Carenco
15 dec. 20212 min läsning
We are proud to publish the Guiding Principle: How to measure and report on impact
The purpose of this Guiding Principle is to help organisations from all sectors in the impact economy to easily measure and report on...
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Jenny Carenco
14 nov. 20211 min läsning
New Guiding Principle: Classification of Regular, Responsible, Sustainable & Impact Investments
The purpose of this Guiding Principle is to help investors, asset managers and other actors in the financial industry to differentiate...
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Jenny Carenco
11 nov. 20211 min läsning
Now published! Guiding Principle Defining Impact
What determines if an activity or an investment is impact ? What are the criteria that should be fulfilled for us to be able to say that...
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Jenny Carenco
19 okt. 20211 min läsning
The Swedish NAB launches online learning sessions
Since launch, the Swedish National Advisory Board for Impact Investing has curated the development of several frameworks and guidelines....
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Jenny Carenco
15 nov. 20191 min läsning
We are officially members of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment!
Since inception, The Swedish National Advisory Board for Impact Investing has aimed at becoming the Swedish representative and member of...
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Jenny Carenco
26 sep. 20191 min läsning
Var med och sätt agendan för impact investing i Sverige, ansök om medlemskap idag!
The Swedish National Advisory Board for Impact Investing bildades av 23 organisationer från kapitalmarknad, offentlig, privat och...
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Jenny Carenco
14 juni 20192 min läsning
Sverige blir den 23e nationen som får en National Advisory Board for Impact Investing
Norrsken, Skandia, Fryshuset, SEB, Kommuninvest, PwC och 18 andra organisationer bildar The Swedish National Advisory Board for Impact...
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