We are a platform for organisations from all sectors in the impact economy who want to contribute to the growth and development of the impact investing market in Sweden. Our association's goal is to transfer knowledge, develop guidance and in all aspects facilitate the flow of capital - both private and public - to organisations, investments and projects that create true, positive and measurable impact on society's most pressing challenges. Our actions are grouped into four main areas.
A common definition of impact
The impact economy can only grow sustainably if all sectors and all actors in the ecosystem define impact the same way. We strive for a common definition of impact that will facilitate the flow of capital to truly impactful investments and increase accountability for investees alike. We do this by developing Guiding Principles on impact definition, by sharing knowledge and best practices and by offering learning sessions and training open to all.
Impact investment instruments are today largely the same as for mainstream investments. We believe that if impact or outcomes can be more clearly tied to financial returns, the stronger the incentives will be from both investors and investees to create true and measurable impact through investments and activities. We work for a broader palette of financial instruments that could include impact bonds, impact equity or impact linked interest rates. We do this by sharing global best practices and by inspiring the financial markets through learning and knowledge sharing.
Impact driven financial instruments
Harmonisation of impact measurement and reporting standards generates trust between investors and investees. We actively work towards a standard for impact measurement that is accessible to all and equally applicable for all actors in the impact value chain. Our actions include issuing Guiding Principles for impact measurement as well as participation in the development in the Swedish Institute for Standard's work on a Swedish standard for Impact Measurement.
A harmonised impact measurement standard
Outcomes based commissioning
Public sector commissioning for services such as education or health traditionally focuses on paying for activities. What if instead we commission and pay for results through outcomes contracts and outcomes based financing, leading to measurable improvements for people and society.
We work to make outcomes based financing mainstream. We do this by identifying investment tools, how they can be used, the potential barriers to be overcome and best practices. We are soon issuing Guiding Principles to be used by the public sector, investors and service providers.